Google+ Odd and Strange - World of Odd Stuff, Fun Facts and Bizarre Stories

05 March 2015

5 Unexplained Mysteries that will Haunt you for Answers

From reincarnated twins to ghost ships, these are some of the most famous unexplained mysteries of all time. The Pollock Twins Jennifer and Gillian Pollock - The Pollock Twins ...

23 January 2015

Miracle Baby Born with Heart Outside Chest

The Walls were living a normal, uneventful life until the summer of 1975 changed their lives forever. Young Teresa Walls was going through her first pregnancy. Everything seemed normal. Then the time came when she was to give birth to her little baby. After she went through her labor, the doctors gave her a threatening news. Her baby...

14 June 2014

Fun Facts: A Giant list of 50 Random Facts

Check out our short but sweet collection of random facts to learn something new today. Enjoy and don't forget to spread the word! ...

30 May 2014

10 Cutest Animal Pictures to Brighten up Your Day

"Peace begins with a smile..."                                                       Mother Teresa Having a bad day? Need a reason to cheer up? We've got 10. Here are 10 pictures of the cutest animal...

21 February 2014

Weird Stuff: 10 Ridiculous Things Made of Gold

Thinking about some weird stuff, here are the 10 most ridiculous things made of Gold. Toilet Paper ...

08 February 2014

Sochi Olympics 2014: 25 Fun Facts about Winter Olympics

The world is all excited about Sochi Winter Olympics. Let's look at some of the most amazing facts about Winter Olympics history and the Sochi Olympics. Facts About Winter Olympics ...

23 January 2014

The 10 Coolest Google Easter Eggs

Google is a much livelier company than what its plain landing page suggests. The guys at Google love to amuse their users with some cool surprises. And that's where Google Easter Eggs come into play. Below are some of the coolest Google Easter Eggs to try out. If you know more like these, then feel free to let us know in the comments...

14 January 2014

Odd Jobs Celebrities Did Before Fame

Feeling annoyed of your job? Then, here are some pretty odd jobs celebrities did before they hit stardom. Tom Cruise   ...

14 June 2013

The Incredible Ruby Falls of Chattanooga, Tennessee

Ruby Falls is an underground waterfall in Tennessee, USA. It is part of the Lookout Mountains in Chattanooga. Ruby Falls is one of the most famous underground waterfalls in the world. The beauty of Ruby Falls makes anyone go 'WOW'. ...

15 May 2013

25 Amazing Earth Facts You Should Know

Planet Earth is undoubtedly the most incredible planet in the entire universe. Learn about the most amazing Earth facts that makes our planet such a wonderful place to be.  ...

04 March 2013

10 Pictures of Weird Cloud Formations

Check out our collection of the weirdest cloud formations and rise your head in amazement. The Lion King of the skies ...

04 February 2013

Top 15 Valentine's Day Fun Facts

Valentine's day is the festival of love and emotions. Check out our weirdest Valentine's day fun facts to make the day more special for you and your loved one...

14 January 2013

Weird Weapons: 6 Incredible Animals Used as Weapons of War

Animals have always accompanied men at war. They have carried our soldiers and pulled our cannons. If you think that's all, then check out these stories of some of the craziest uses of animals in war. Anti tank Dogs This is one of the worst examples of war brutality. Anti tank dogs were first developed by the Soviet Union to take...

04 January 2013

Obamadon: Lizard Now Bears Barack Obama's Name

A recently discovered extinct lizard species have been named 'Obamadon', after the American President Barack Obama. ...

25 December 2012

The Lost Islands of Socotra, Yemen

Socotra is a collection of 4 islands cut away from the rest of the world about 6 million years ago. It is one of the most isolated places on earth. Socotra's long isolation and fierce climate has given birth to a unique variety of endemic flora, giving Socotra the distinction of being 'the most alien looking place on earth'...




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